
Survival Mode handler

Type: Reference type


Declaration Description
bool IsEnabled() const Returns whether Survival Mode is enabled or not.
void Enable( bool fActivateNow = false ) Enable Survival Mode
void Disable() Disable Survival Mode
void Toggle() Toggles Survival Mode.
bool IsActive() const Returns whether Survival Mode is active or not.
void Activate( bool fActivateNow = false ) Activate Survival Mode
int GetVoteState() Returns Survival Mode vote state.
void VoteToggle() Toggles Survival Mode vote state.
void ResetVoteState() Resets the Survival Mode vote state to undefined.
void EnableMapSupport() Tells the game that the current map wants to use Survival Mode. Should be called in MapInit. Cannot be disabled once set.
bool MapSupportEnabled() Returns whether the current map supports Survival Mode or not.
void SetStartOn( bool value ) Sets whether Survival Mode should start when the map is loaded.
bool GetStartOn() Returns whether Survival Mode should start when the map is loaded.
const string& GetNextMap(void) const Returns name of the next survival map.
void SetNextMap(const string& in szMapName) Sets name of the next survival map.
void EndRound() Can be used to end a round and force a retry to be used.
float GetDelayBeforeStart() const Returns delay before survival mode starts.
void SetDelayBeforeStart( float value ) Sets delay before survival mode starts.