Damage types.


Name Value Description
DMG_GENERIC 0 Generic damage.
DMG_CRUSH 1 Crush damage. By falling or moving object.
DMG_BULLET 2 Bullet. Shot.
DMG_SLASH 4 Slash. Cut, clawed, stabbed.
DMG_BURN 8 Burn. Heat burned.
DMG_FREEZE 16 Freeze. Frozen.
DMG_FALL 32 Fall. Fell too far.
DMG_BLAST 64 Blast. Explosive blast damage.
DMG_CLUB 128 Club. Crowbar, punch, headbutt.
DMG_SHOCK 256 Shock. Electric shock.
DMG_SONIC 512 Sonic. Sound pulse shockwave.
DMG_ENERGYBEAM 1024 Energy beam. Laser or other high energy beam.
DMG_NEVERGIB 4096 Never gib. With this bit OR'd in, no damage type will be able to gib victims upon death.
DMG_ALWAYSGIB 8192 Always gib. With this bit OR'd in, any damage type can be made to gib victims upon death.
DMG_LAUNCH 67108864 Launch. Launch into air.
DMG_DROWN 16384 Drown. Drowning.
DMG_TIMEBASED 16760832 Mash for time-based damage.
DMG_PARALYZE 32768 Paralyze. Slows affected creature down.
DMG_NERVEGAS 65536 Nerve gas. Nerve toxins, very bad.
DMG_POISON 131072 Poison. Blood poisoning.
DMG_RADIATION 262144 Radiation. Radiation exposure.
DMG_DROWNRECOVER 524288 Drown recover. Drowning recovery.
DMG_ACID 1048576 Acid. Toxic chemicals or acid burns.
DMG_SLOWBURN 2097152 Slow burn. In an oven.
DMG_SLOWFREEZE 4194304 Slow freeze. In a subzero freezer.
DMG_MORTAR 8388608 Mortar. Hit by air raid (done to distinguish grenade from mortar)
DMG_SNIPER 16777216 Sniper. Hit by a Sniper.
DMG_MEDKITHEAL 33554432 Medkit heal. Medkit healing.
DMG_SHOCK_GLOW 134217728 Shock glow. Flag for shock glow effect.
DMG_GIB_CORPSE 993 Gib corpse. These are the damage types that are allowed to gib corpses.
DMG_SHOWNHUD 7815448 Shown on HUD. These are the damage types that have clien hud art.