Functions that are accessible at a global level.
Namespace | Declaration | Description |
<Global> | bool isalnum(char character) | Returns whether character is alphanumeric. |
<Global> | bool isalpha(char character) | Returns whether character is alphabetic. |
<Global> | bool iscntrl(char character) | Returns whether character is control. |
<Global> | bool isdigit(char character) | Returns whether character is a decimal digit character. |
<Global> | bool isgraph(char character) | Returns whether character is graph. |
<Global> | bool islower(char character) | Returns whether character is lower. |
<Global> | bool isprint(char character) | Returns whether character is print. |
<Global> | bool ispunct(char character) | Returns whether character is punctuality. |
<Global> | bool isspace(char character) | Returns whether character is space. |
<Global> | bool isupper(char character) | Returns whether character is upper. |
<Global> | bool isxdigit(char character) | Returns whether character is a hexadecimal numeric character. |
<Global> | char tolower(char character) | Converts the given character to lower case. |
<Global> | char toupper(char character) | Converts the given character to upper case. |
<Global> | float atof(const string& in) | Converts the given string to a float. |
<Global> | double atod(const string& in) | Converts the given string to a double. |
<Global> | int atoi(const string& in, int radix = 10) | Converts the given string to an integer. |
<Global> | int64 atoi64(const string& in, int radix = 10) | Converts the given string to a 64 bit integer. |
<Global> | uint atoui(const string& in, int radix = 10) | Converts the given string to an unsigned integer. |
<Global> | uint64 atoui64(const string& in, int radix = 10) | Converts the given string to a 64 bit unsigned integer. |
<Global> | bool atobool(const string& in) | Converts the given string to a boolean. |
<Global> | bool atobool(const string& in, bool& out fIsValid) | Converts the given string to a boolean. fIsValid is true if the given string was a valid boolean value. |
<Global> | bool isalnum(const string& in) | Returns whether character is alphanumeric. |
<Global> | bool isalpha(const string& in) | Returns whether character is alphabetic. |
<Global> | bool iscntrl(const string& in) | Returns whether character is control. |
<Global> | bool isdigit(const string& in) | Returns whether character is digit. |
<Global> | bool isgraph(const string& in) | Returns whether character is graph. |
<Global> | bool islower(const string& in) | Returns whether character is lower. |
<Global> | bool isprint(const string& in) | Returns whether character is print. |
<Global> | bool ispunct(const string& in) | Returns whether character is punctuality. |
<Global> | bool isspace(const string& in) | Returns whether character is space. |
<Global> | bool isupper(const string& in) | Returns whether character is upper. |
<Global> | bool isxdigit(const string& in) | Returns whether character is xdigit. |
<Global> | string tolower(const string& in) | Converts the given character to lower case. |
<Global> | string toupper(const string& in) | Converts the given character to upper case. |
<Global> | string formatInt(int64 value, const string &in options = "", uint width = 0) | Formats a signed integer into a string. The options string is a combination of the following characters: 'l' = left justify '0' = pad with zeroes '+' = always include the sign, even if positive ' ' = add a space in case of positive number 'h' = hexadecimal integer small letters 'H' = hexadecimal integer capital letters |
<Global> | string formatUInt(uint64 value, const string &in options = "", uint width = 0) | Formats a unsigned integer into a string. The options string is a combination of the following characters: 'l' = left justify '0' = pad with zeroes '+' = always include the sign, even if positive ' ' = add a space in case of positive number 'h' = hexadecimal integer small letters 'H' = hexadecimal integer capital letters |
<Global> | string formatFloat(double value, const string &in options = "", uint width = 0, uint precision = 0) | Formats a double into a string. The options string is a combination of the following characters: 'l' = left justify '0' = pad with zeroes '+' = always include the sign, even if positive ' ' = add a space in case of positive number 'e' = exponent character with small e 'E' = exponent character with capital E |
<Global> | bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat) | Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style. |
<Global> | bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in) | Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style. |
<Global> | bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in, ?& in) | Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style. |
<Global> | bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in) | Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style. |
<Global> | bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in) | Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style. |
<Global> | bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in) | Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style. |
<Global> | bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in) | Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style. |
<Global> | bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in) | Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style. |
<Global> | bool snprintf(string& out szOutBuffer, const string& in szFormat, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in, ?& in) | Prints the format string to the destination buffer. Uses SC printf formatting style. |
Regex | bool Match(const string& in szString, const Regex@ pRegex, MatchFlagType flags = match_default) | Performs are regular expression matching operation. Returns true if the match succeeded, false otherwise |
Regex | bool Match(const string& in szString, MatchResults@ pResults, const Regex@ pRegex, MatchFlagType flags = match_default) | Performs are regular expression matching operation. Returns true if the match succeeded, false otherwise. pResults will contain the results of the operation, if any. |
Regex | bool Search(const string& in szString, const Regex@ pRegex, MatchFlagType flags = match_default) | Returns whether some sub-sequence in the target sequence (the subject) matches the regular expression pRegex. |
Regex | bool Search(const string& in szString, MatchResults@ pResults, const Regex@ pRegex, MatchFlagType flags = match_default) | Returns whether some sub-sequence in the target sequence (the subject) matches the regular expression pRegex. pResults will contain the results of the operation, if any. |
Regex | string Replace(const string& in szString, const Regex@ pRegex, const string& in szFormat, MatchFlagType flags = match_default) | Makes a copy of the target sequence (the subject) with all matches of the regular expression pRegex (the pattern) replaced by szFormat (the replacement). |
FileSystem | bool FlagsValid(const OpenFileFlags_t uiOpenFlags) | Returns whether the given open flags are valid. |
FileSystem | OpenFileFlags_t FilterFlags(OpenFileFlags_t uiOpenFlags) | Filters the given flags, removing unnecessary flags. |
FileSystem | bool FormatOpenFlags(OpenFileFlags_t uiOpenFlags, string& out szOutFlags) | Formats the open flags into a string that represents the flags. |
<Global> | CScheduler@ get_g_Scheduler() | Gets the current script's scheduler. |
<Global> | float DotProduct(const Vector2D& in lhs, const Vector2D& in rhs) | Returns a dot product of the given vectors |
<Global> | float DotProduct(const Vector& in lhs, const Vector& in rhs) | Returns the dot product of the given vectors |
<Global> | Vector CrossProduct(const Vector& in, const Vector& in) | Returns the cross product of the given vectors |
<Global> | int TrainSpeed(int iSpeed, int iMax) | |
<Global> | bool FNullEnt(const edict_t@ pEnt) | Checks edict for nullity |
<Global> | bool FNullEnt(entvars_t@ pev) | Checks entvars for nullity |
<Global> | CSoundEnt@ GetSoundEntInstance() | Gets the current global sound manager entity |
<Global> | CPathTrack@ PathTrackEntity_Instance(edict_t@ pEdict) | |
<Global> | CPersistence@ get_g_Persistence() | Gets the map script's persistence manager. |
<Global> | time_t UnixTimestamp() | Gets the current time as a unix timestamp. |
<Global> | CModuleHookManager@ get_g_Hooks() | Gets the current script's hook manager. |
<Global> | CModule@ get_g_Module() | Gets the current script's module. |