
Holds parameters for custom sprite.

Type: Value type


Declaration Description
void HUDSpriteParams() Constructor
void HUDSpriteParams(const HUDSpriteParams& in other) Copy constructor
HUDSpriteParams& opAssign(const HUDSpriteParams& in other) Assignment operator


Declaration Description
uint8 channel Channel.
Range: 0-15 (each module type has its own channel group).
int flags Flags
See HUD_ELEM and HUD_SPR enums.
string_t spritename Sprite name
uint8 left Sprite left offset
Range: 0-255
uint8 top Sprite top offset
Range: 0-255
int16 width Sprite width
Range: 0-512 (0: auto; use total width of the sprite)
int16 height Sprite height
Range: 0-512 (0: auto; use total height of the sprite)
float x Horizontal position on the screen.
<0, 1.0> = left to right
(-1.0, 0) = right to left
-1.0 = centered
float y Vertical position on the screen.
<0, 1.0> = top to bottom
(-1.0, 0) = bottom to top
-1.0 = centered
RGBA color1 Color 1
RGBA color2 Color 2
uint8 frame Frame
uint8 numframes Number of frames
float framerate Framerate
float fadeinTime Fade in time
float fadeoutTime Fade out time
float holdTime Hold time
float fxTime Effect time
uint8 effect Effect
See HUD_EFFECT enum.