
Inventory rules: Contained by CBaseToggle to hold and
manage inventory rules attached to a triggerable entity

Type: Reference type


Declaration Description
bool CanUseTrigger(CBaseEntity@ pActivator, bool fContinueByDefault = false) Returns whether the owning trigger can be triggered by the given activator.


Declaration Description
EHandle m_hEntity Owning entity
string_t m_szRequiresItemName Inventory: Require these item(s)
string_t m_szRequiresItemGroup Inventory: Require an item from these group(s)
int m_iRequiresItemGroupNum Inventory: Number of item(s) from the required group(s) required (0 = all)
string_t m_szCantHaveItemName Inventory: Must not have these item(s)
string_t m_szCantHaveItemGroup Inventory: Must not have an item in these group(s)
int m_iCantHaveItemGroupNum Inventory: Number of item(s) from the can't have group(s) (0 = all)
bool m_fIgnoreUseTriggers On pass: Ignore item's on use triggers?
string_t m_szDropItemNameOnUse On pass: Drop item(s)
string_t m_szDropItemGroupOnUse On pass: Drop item(s) in these group(s)
bool m_fIgnoreDropTriggers On pass: Ignore item's on drop triggers?
string_t m_szReturnItemNameOnUse On pass: Return item(s)
string_t m_szReturnItemGroupOnUse On pass: Return item(s) in these group(s)
bool m_fIgnoreReturnTriggers On pass: Ignore item's on return triggers?
string_t m_szDestroyItemNameOnUse On pass: Destroy item(s)
string_t m_szDestroyItemGroupOnUse On pass: Destroy item(s) in these group(s)
bool m_fIgnoreDestroyTriggers On pass: Ignore item's on destroy triggers?
string_t m_szTargetOnFail Target: Inventory rules failed