entvars_t::effects constants


Name Value Description
EF_BRIGHTFIELD 1 swirling cloud of particles
EF_MUZZLEFLASH 2 single frame ELIGHT on entity attachment 0
EF_BRIGHTLIGHT 4 DLIGHT centered at entity origin
EF_DIMLIGHT 8 player flashlight
EF_INVLIGHT 16 get lighting from ceiling
EF_NOINTERP 32 don't interpolate the next frame
EF_LIGHT 64 rocket flare glow sprite
EF_NODRAW 128 don't draw entity
EF_NODECALS 2048 don't draw decals on this entity
EF_NOANIMTEXTURES 256 Don't animate brush entities
EF_FRAMEANIMTEXTURES 512 Use the value in pev->frame to set the texture on a brush entity