
Temporary entity types. Used in network messages of type SVC_TEMPENTITY.


Name Value Description
TE_BEAMPOINTS 0 Beam effect between two points
TE_BEAMENTPOINT 1 Beam effect between point and entity
TE_GUNSHOT 2 Particle effect plus ricochet sound
TE_EXPLOSION 3 Additive sprite, 2 dynamic lights, flickering particles, explosion sound, move vertically 8 pps
TE_TAREXPLOSION 4 Quake1 "tarbaby" explosion with sound
TE_SMOKE 5 Alphablend sprite, move vertically 30 pps
TE_TRACER 6 Tracer effect from point to point
TE_LIGHTNING 7 TE_BEAMPOINTS with simplified parameters
TE_BEAMENTS 8 Beam effect between two entities
TE_SPARKS 9 Spark effect
TE_LAVASPLASH 10 Lava splash effect
TE_TELEPORT 11 Teleport effect
TE_EXPLOSION2 12 Explosion effect
TE_BSPDECAL 13 Decal from the .BSP file
TE_IMPLOSION 14 Tracers moving toward a point
TE_SPRITETRAIL 15 Line of moving glow sprites with gravity, fadeout, and collisions
TE_SPRITE 17 Additive sprite, plays 1 cycle
TE_BEAMSPRITE 18 A beam with a sprite at the end
TE_BEAMTORUS 19 Screen aligned beam ring, expands to max radius over lifetime
TE_BEAMDISK 20 Disk that expands to max radius over lifetime
TE_BEAMCYLINDER 21 Cylinder that expands to max radius over lifetime
TE_BEAMFOLLOW 22 Create a line of decaying beam segments until entity stops moving
TE_GLOWSPRITE 23 Glowing sprite
TE_BEAMRING 24 Connect a beam ring to two entities
TE_STREAK_SPLASH 25 Oriented shower of tracers
TE_DLIGHT 27 Dynamic light effect
TE_ELIGHT 28 Point entity light, no world effect
TE_TEXTMESSAGE 29 Text message
TE_LINE 30 Draws a line
TE_BOX 31 Draws a box
TE_KILLBEAM 99 Kill all beams attached to entity
TE_LARGEFUNNEL 100 Creates a large funnel
TE_BLOODSTREAM 101 Particle spray
TE_SHOWLINE 102 Line of particles every 5 units, dies in 30 seconds
TE_BLOOD 103 Particle spray
TE_DECAL 104 Decal applied to a brush entity (not the world)
TE_FIZZ 105 Create alpha sprites inside of entity, float upwards
TE_MODEL 106 Create a moving model that bounces and makes a sound when it hits
TE_EXPLODEMODEL 107 Spherical shower of models, picks from sets
TE_BREAKMODEL 108 Box of models or sprites
TE_GUNSHOTDECAL 109 Decal and ricochet sound
TE_SPRITE_SPRAY 110 Spray of alpha sprites
TE_ARMOR_RICOCHET 111 Quick spark sprite, client ricochet sound.
TE_PLAYERDECAL 112 Draw a player decal (spray paint)
TE_BUBBLES 113 Create alpha sprites inside of box, float upwards
TE_BUBBLETRAIL 114 Create alpha sprites along a line, float upwards
TE_BLOODSPRITE 115 Spray of opaque sprite1's that fall, single sprite2 for 1..2 secs (this is a high-priority tent)
TE_WORLDDECAL 116 Decal applied to the world brush
TE_WORLDDECALHIGH 117 Decal (with texture index > 256) applied to world brush
TE_DECALHIGH 118 Same as TE_DECAL, but the texture index was greater than 256
TE_PROJECTILE 119 Makes a projectile (like a nail) (this is a high-priority tent)
TE_SPRAY 120 Throws a shower of sprites or models
TE_PLAYERSPRITES 121 Sprites emit from a player's bounding box (ONLY use for players!)
TE_PARTICLEBURST 122 Very similar to lavasplash.
TE_FIREFIELD 123 Makes a field of fire.
TE_PLAYERATTACHMENT 124 Attaches a TENT to a player (this is a high-priority tent)
TE_KILLPLAYERATTACHMENTS 125 Will expire all TENTS attached to a player.
TE_MULTIGUNSHOT 126 Much more compact shotgun message
TE_USERTRACER 127 Larger message than the standard tracer, but allows some customization.