
List of all documented enums with a brief descriptions of each.


Name Description
CompareType Compare type.
ArgumentType Which type a reflection argument is
FlagType Regular expression flags. These can be bitwise OR'd together to combine options.
MatchFlagType Match format flags. These can be bitwise OR'd together to combine options.
OpenFile Flags passed to FileSystem::OpenFile
EdictFlags entvars_t::flags constants
MOVETYPE entvars_t::movetype constants
SOLID entvars_t::solid constants.
DEAD Entity entvars_t::deadflag values
DAMAGE entvars_t::takedamage values
EFFECTS entvars_t::effects constants
WATERLEVEL entvars_t waterlevel values
FixAngleMode entvars_t::fixangle modes
USE_TYPE Use type for entities. Not all entities support all use types.
Entvartype Entity variable type
FCAP CBaseEntity caps (CBaseEntity::ObjectCaps())
CLASS Entity classification
RELATIONSHIP Relationship between (monster) entities
DMG Damage types.
TOGGLE_STATE Toggle state for entities that can be toggled.
BLOOD_COLOR Blood color
decal_e Dynamic decals used by code to place decals like scorch marks in the world
GIB when calling Killed(), a value that governs gib behavior is expected to be one of these three values
TextureType Texture types used by the game.
BREAK Break model defines for message SVC_TEMPENTITY::TE_BREAKMODEL
TE_BOUNCE Temp entity bounce sound types
RenderModes Render modes used by entities (entvars_t::rendermode)
RenderFX Render FX modes (entvars_t::renderfx)
FireBulletsDrawMode FireBullets draw mode options
CommonEntityFlags Common entity flags used by various entities.
Bullet bullet types
AddPlayerItemResult Return values for CBaseEntity::AddPlayerItem
Materials Material types supported by breakables
SCRIPTSTATE The state of a monster's script.
Activity Activity currently being played by a monster
MONSTERSTATE Current state of a monster
TaskData These go in the flData member of TASK_WALK_TO_TARGET, TASK_RUN_TO_TARGET
MoveFlag these MoveFlag values are assigned to a WayPoint's TYPE in order to demonstrate the
MonsterCondition these bits represent conditions that may befall the monster, of which some are allowed
CDMG Damage over time types.
MonsterMemory these bits represent the monster's memory
AITRIGGER trigger conditions for scripted AI
SCHEDULE_TYPE Schedule types for monster AI
TASK_TYPE Task types for the monster AI
MonsterEventType Monster event types
bits_CAPABILITY Tells us what a monster can do.
HITGROUP Hit Group standards
KeyCode Key Codes
ObserverMode Observer modes
In_Buttons Bit field values for entvars_t.buttons.
Train Train modes used by CBasePlayer::m_iTrain
PFLAG Player physics flags used in CBasePlayer::m_afPhysicsFlags
PLAYER_ANIM Player animations, set using CBasePlayer::SetAnimation.
PlayerViewMode Player view mode.
PlayerHookFlag Player hook flags. Used to skip execution of code when a hook performs an action that overrides built-in behavior.
SATCHELCODE Satchel codes
ButtonCode Button codes used by CBaseButton
DoorFlag Door flags.
WALKMOVE Walk move types
CONTENTS Contents of a spot in the world
FCVAR Console variable flags.
PRINT_TYPE Print type
MOVE_TYPE MoveToOrigin move type.
bits_SOUND Sound flags for monster schedules.
ItemFlag Item flags used by ItemInfo::iFlags
WeaponIds Weapon id values
PathTrackSpawnFlags path_track spawnflags
BeamType Beam types used by CBeam::SetType
BeamFlags Beam flags used by CBeam::SetFlags
CBeamSpawnflags CBeam spawn flags
TANKBULLET func_tank bullet types
TankFlags func_tank spawn flags
IGNORE_MONSTERS Ignore monsters options.
IGNORE_GLASS Ignore glass options.
HULL_NUMBER Ignore glass options.
ALERT_TYPE Alert type for console messages
SoundFlag Sound flags
SOUND_CHANNEL Audio channels
PITCH Pitch values. Other values are possible. Range: 0 - 255, where 255 is very high.
AdminLevel_t Admin levels
FFADE Fade flags for CPlayerFuncs::ScreenFade and ScreenFadeAll
HUD Used to dictate where client print commands print the given text.
HUD_EFFECT HUD element effects.
HUD_ELEM Common flags used by all custom HUD elements.
HUD_SPR Flags used by custom HUD sprites.
HUD_NUM Flags used by custom numeric displays.
HUD_TIME Flags used by custom time displays.
GLOBALESTATE Global state values
NetworkMessageDest Network message destination types.
TE_ExplosionFlag TE_EXPLOSION flags
TE_FireFieldFlag TE_FIREFIELD flags
TempEntityType Temporary entity types. Used in network messages of type SVC_TEMPENTITY.
NetworkMessageType Network message types
Type Console command kind.
ConCommandFlag Console command flags
ClientSayType Type of say the client used
HookReturnCode Hook function return codes.