
List of all documented classes with a brief descriptions of each.


Name Description
string String type
char Char value type
string_t Opaque handle to a pooled string.
Arguments This class can hold arguments for a function or method call.
ReturnValue Reflection return value.
Callable Reflection base class for callable objects.
Function Reflection function class. Can be used to call global functions.
Method Reflection method class. Can be used to call object methods.
ObjectType Represents an object type
IReflectionGroup Reflection group. Represents a group of reflectable objects.
CReflection Reflection global used for generial purpose needs.
Regex Represents a regular expression
SubMatch Regular expression submatch
MatchResults Regular expression match results
BLOB Binary Large OBject class used for storing arbitrary amounts of binary data.
File File class.
FileQuota Represents a quota that filesystems adhere to when handling write operations.
CVirtualFileSystem Virtual File System
CScheduledFunction Handle to a scheduled function
CScheduler Scheduler for calling functions.
CDebugger Debugger
Vector2D 2D Vector
Vector 3D Vector
CMath Math functions
edict_t Entity dictionary structure
entvars_t Networked entity variables
CDecals Dynamic decal manager
CBaseEntity All entities derive from this
CBaseDelay All entities that can trigger with a delay derive from this
CBaseAnimating All entities that can animate derive from this
CBaseToggle All entities that can be toggled derive from this
CBasePlayerItem Player item base class
CBasePlayerWeapon Player Weapon entity base class
CBasePlayerAmmo Player ammo class
CItemInventory Item_inventory entity class
CItem Generic item class
CGrenade Grenade class
CBaseMonster Monster entity base class
CCineMonster Cinematic monster entity base class
CBasePlayer Player entity base class
CSprite Sprite class
CPathTrack Path track class
CBeam Beam class
CLaser Laser class
CBaseTank Tank base class
CPathCondition Path condition entity
CBaseButton Button entity base class
CBaseDoor Door entity base class
CGib Gib class
EHandle Safe way to point to CBaseEntities who may die between frames.
CustomKeyvalue Custom keyvalue. Only use this as a local variable, do not store them!
CustomKeyvalues Custom keyvalues. Do not keep handles to instances of these objects.
CActivityMap Activity map
Task Task for monsters to execute.
Schedule Schedule for monsters to follow.
ScriptTask Script task class
ScriptSchedule Script schedule class
Waypoint Waypoint for monsters to follow.
MonsterEvent Monster event type
Observer Observer mode management class.
TraceResult Trace result structure
DamageInfo Damage info structure
Cvar Cvar structure
KeyValueBuffer Buffer containing keyvalue pairs
CEngineFuncs Engine functions
CModelFuncs Model functions
CSound Sound class used by CSoundEnt
CSoundEnt Sound manager entity. Manages sound events made in the world, like gunfire.
InventoryRules Inventory rules: Contained by CBaseToggle to hold and
InventoryList Structure for a list of item_inventory's stored within CBaseMonster
CInventoryMisc Misc functions for handling inventories across classes
ItemInfo Item info object.
CItemRegistry Item registry.
CEntityLoader Entity loader.
CustomEntityCallbackHandler Custom entity callback handler. Is used to set callbacks to methods
CCustomEntityFuncs Custom entity functions.
BaseEntity Baseclass for CBaseEntity.
BaseMonster Baseclass for CBaseMonster.
BaseTank Baseclass for CBaseTank.
BasePlayerItem Baseclass for CBasePlayerItem.
BasePlayerWeapon Baseclass for CBasePlayerWeapon.
BasePlayerAmmo Baseclass for CBasePlayerAmmo.
BaseItem Baseclass for CItem.
CUtility Utility methods
CGame Game functions
CSoundEngine Sound engine.
CEngine Engine global variables
CEntityFuncs Global entity functions
RGBA Color stored as four uint8 components
HUDTextParams Parameters for text output to the HUD.
HUDSpriteParams Holds parameters for custom sprite.
HUDNumDisplayParams Holds parameters for custom numeric/time display.
CPlayerFuncs Global player functions
CWeaponFuncs Weapon functions class.
GlobalEntity Global state entity
CGlobalState Global state manager
CAngelscript Angelscript debugging functions
CMapCycle Map cycle read only manager
CMap Map state variables
CPersistence Persistence manager
CPluginManager Plugin manager for handling basic plugin operations
CStartInventory Player start inventory manager
CTextMenuItem Text menu item. Do not store handles to this object.
CTextMenu Text menu.
CTextMenus Text menu manager.
Vote Vote class. Can be used to start custom votes.
DateTime DateTime class.
TimeDifference Represents the difference between 2 times.
CAdminControl Admin control panel.
NetworkMessage Network message class. Used to send messages to clients.
CLog This class can log data to the Angelscript log file.
CCommand Command arguments.
CConCommand Console command class
CClientCommand Client console command class
CCVar CVar class
CConCommandSystem Script console command manager.
SayParameters ClientSay parameters
ItemMapping Item mapping for classic mode.
CClassicMode Classic Mode handler
CSurvivalMode Survival Mode handler
CModuleHookManager Module hook manager
CScriptInfo Script info object.
CModule Module class.